Late Winter Lull

Matt had to go into the city today for work and as he was walking out the door to catch the train I said, “Isn’t it amazing we’re going to go Monday-Friday this week with no snow?!” He agreed that yes, it was amazing and off he went.

Well, clearly we’re both idiots and/or don’t watch the weather frequently enough (both of those may be true…) because as I sit here, there’s more white stuff coming down. Yep, this is the fourth (or is it fifth or sixth or seventh?!) week that we’ve seen single digit or negative temperatures at night and snow falling at least every three days.

Yesterday, it actually hit 30 degrees so as you can imagine, it felt like an absolute heat wave. I took Harrison for an hour long walk to soak up that sweet Vitamin D, even though he only stayed awake for forty minutes of it.

Other than hunkering down at night with blankets and mug after mug of hot tea, there hasn’t been much action around here on the home improvement front. Call it a slump, call it a lull. Or maybe, call it not wanting to pick up wood for a bedroom panel wall when the wind chill is negative.

Either way, I hope you’re staying warm wherever you are and if you’re reading from Florida or the Southwest, then…ugh. Just ugh.